Build an Amicable Relationship Between Google and Seo

'Google' is an invincible kingdom and every small and large business wants to rule it. The process followed by these companies to reach the pinnacle of Google ranking is called as SEO. So, till the last breath of Google on this earth, SEO will remain unassailable. A suggestion to all those who search for SEO in the following manner is to channelize their time, money, and expertise on getting best out of SEO, instead of waiting for it to be 'DEAD'. The importance of being on the top of the search engine result A searcher who comes online to find an answer to their queries knock the door of the search engine and about 75% of the searchers initiate their online journey with searches on Google. The importance of being on the top of the search engine result lies in the fact that about 67% of all the clicks are shared by the first five results on Google and someone precisely quoted that “ The best place to hide a dead body is page two of the Google. ” How to climb up...